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  Englisch Level 4 (JUR): Law through TV, film, radio and other media (SZENL4LAWLTFRM) [Import]

Francis Henry

2 cred.h, compulsory attendance, ECTS studies, ECTS credits: 2,5
nur Fachstudium, Sprache Englisch, Programm der erweiterten Fachsprachausbildung: Kurs Level 4 (JUR); Vorbildung zwingend erforderlich: Beachten Sie bitte die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
Time and place: Tue 10:15 - 11:45, JDC R 2.281

Fields of study

Prerequisites / Organisational information
This level 4 law course is part of the final stage of the English law and legal language programme and can be used for admission to the certificate exam.

The course may only be attended by those law students who have already completed all four level 3 law courses, or who are taking the final level 3 course at the same time this semester.

If you have any questions regarding the content or the requirements - in particular if you have moved to Erlangen from another university or have had courses recognised from a period of study abroad, please contact us via Email: rechtswissenschaft@jurasprachen.de

You may attend this course and, if necessary, the final required level 3 law course and / or general English courses in the same semester. It is generally not permitted to take more than two level 4 law courses in the same semester, and a decision on admission to more than one course at this level in the same semester will be taken in individual cases taking into account all relevant circumstances.

Registration is obligatory for this course online via StudOn

Regular attendance and active participation are required in order to successfully complete this course, therefore attendance is compulsory in accordance with the university guidelines which are relevant in determining successful completion of the course.

This course is ungraded. To successfully complete (and therefore pass) the course students will be required to hold a discussion on a topic under the broad heading 'law in the media' to be determined at the beginning of the course and to produce a 15-minute podcast on this topic. Your teacher will provide you with details of these requirements in the first week of the course. In order for the successful completion of the course to be recorded, registration via mein campus is required. The exam number is 30527.

This course can be taken as an alternative to the usually required general English course (recommended) or can replace the course 'Presenting Skills in the Legal Context'.

This course may only be taken once. Students who fail to adequately complete the tasks required may be permitted to retake the course subject to capacity.

This course will look at the way the law is portrayed through the media (film, television, radio, print media and the Internet, fact and fiction), how social media affects the law - positivela and negatively, and what role the media plays in the administration of justice.
The language focus in the course will be on oral communication, in particular in-depth discussion. Using a variety of (audio and visual) sources, students will be expected to discuss and critically analyse the way the media conveys information about the law and how this can be perceived by viewers, readers and listeners. Students will lead and take part in discussions relating to specific aspects of media coverage, and also on criminal and civil cases that have been reported on or dramatised. In small groups students will also produce a short podcast which will be published online.

Recommended literature
All materials and course resources will be provided online (via StudOn).

ECTS information:
Credits: 2,5

Additional information
Expected participants: 12, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 12

Department: Fachbereichsverwaltung Rechtswissenschaft (Erlangen)
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