UnivIS Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - Semester: WS 2009/2010


English Language Skills for UNICERT III

Please note that appropriate scores in the Einstufungstest are given in the course headings as a guideline.
These courses revise the main structures and vocabulary of English. The courses are skills based and offer opportunities to practise oral and written skills, reading and listening comprehension. Your choice should be based on your timetable and your result in the Einstufungstest (ab 70%).
In addition, students who are studying subjects in which specialised English courses are offered (see fachbezogene Lehrveranstaltungen) can choose between course A and course B. In this case it is advisable to take the Language Skills course as your first course and the subject-related course as your second one.
Scheine from these courses can be counted toward the Allgemeine Zertifikatsprüfung UNIcert® III.

Modul I: English Language Skills A for UNICERT III [SZEN3LSA-A]

UE; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 3; Punkte im Einstufungstest ab 70%
    Mo12:15 - 13:45KH 2.018  Zwicky, F.
 ab 26.10.2009
    Di12:15 - 13:45KH 0.014  Hamilton, S.
 ab 27.10.2009
    Mi12:15 - 13:45SZ 02.215 (Bismarckstr. 10)  Quinn, D.
 ab 28.10.2009
    Mi18:15 - 19:45KH 0.014  Naumann, C.
 ab 28.10.2009
    Do16:15 - 17:4500.156  Hamilton, S.
 ab 29.10.2009, (at theTechnische Fakultät)

Modul I: English Language Skills B for UNICERT III [SZEN3LSB-A]

UE; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 3; Punkte im Einstufungstest ab 70 % (Parallelkurs zu Kurs 2, 3 und 4)
    Mo14:15 - 15:45SZ 02.215 (Bismarckstr. 10)  Hamilton, S.
 ab 26.10.2009
    Di16:15 - 17:45KH 2.018  Naumann, C.
 ab 27.10.2009
    Mi12:15 - 13:45KH 2.018  Hull, P.
 ab 28.10.2009
    Mi16:15 - 17:45KH 2.018  Naumann, C.
 ab 28.10.2009
    Do18:15 - 19:450.031  Hamilton, S.
 ab 29.10.2009, (at the Technische Fakultät)
